Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally moving out. And my friend's husband died.

This is a sunset photo of our small town beach
So, after so much rig-a-ma-roe, I finally got all the paperwork in to the leasing agent at the 540-unit complex that I am going to be moving in to.  The move-in date is tomorrow.  Cutely, they have an additional rental application for my dog which includes a necessary veterinary documentation that verifies the breed, the age and the spay/neuter status of my canine.  I also must fill out an application for my doggy and include a photo.  The photo was a challenge this morning cause Brinney, in all her high-ness, decides she's having a bad fur day and won't hold still for the shot.  Okay, got it then have to upload to computer, transfer to disk and take to Rite-Aid to the insta-print machine. 

All this done, and compiling the rest of the relentless proving of who I am and what I do and how much I make - I finally go to the bank to get the dough they want for the deposit and first month's rent.  I am at the teller and chatting her up about how nice a day it is when I see that there is a sign below her booth with a family asking for donations because of.....oh, my god.  That's my friends in that picture.  Kid's and the mom I just had lunch with last month.  Fuck.  Oh, geez, oh fuck.  My friend's husband is dead.  And I am finding out on a flyer at the bank in my small town.  I ask the teller.  She said it was a bee-sting.  A bee-sting.  No. No.  Oh, no.

My day is a daze.  My fog forces me to continue my walk to the leasing agent and turn in my paperwork.  They can't give me the keys until tomorrow.  What?  Yeah, okay.  yeah, 10 o'clock tomorrow. okay.

I call my friend. I leave a message. I text.  I didn't know.  My world is so puny.  I get a text back.  She sounds like she's putting up a strong front.  Being that he was an iconic surf figure in our small beach community, there's gonna be a paddle-out on Saturday in his honor, then bonfire at the beach with food.  I will be there.  Still gotta move tomorrow and the next day.  And then on Saturday I will go to the beach and celebrate the life of a husband and father and businessman and dedicated surfer and Obecian.

Just cannot wrap my brain around this sadness.  Tiny, little bee takes the life of a father.  I am so sad.