Sunday, August 21, 2011

Craigslist is a Love/Hate Relationship, plus a plug for Skyy vodka

Un-sponsored plug for Skyy Vodka and the cute guy pitchin it at the grocery store!  woot!

For the last 2 days I have been psychologically eliminating as many things from my household as possible.  I am picking apart my home for things to sell that I don't want to pack up and move.  It's strange cause I really want to get out of this place but I sometimes have a moment of pause when I have to decide  what I can 'officially' part with. 

I am a good decision maker when I set my mind to it, I'm just lazy to get to that point.  Today was a good one.  Over the weekend, I decided that I would put at least 2 things per day for sale on Craigslist.  Friday I did post 2 items. And then Saturday, I got calls on those items but sold none.  I still put 2 new items for sale on Saturday.

Apparently, the castration that I recieved from Friday's postings had caused me to lowball some Saturday postings and alas!  Sunday morning I awoke to multiple calls on a picnic table I had listed for $25.  Joy, I'm gonna pay that $180 water bill!

Picnic table sold!  High bidder: $40

Okay.  A good Sunday.  Then I "re" post, illegal by craigslist standards, but I changed the wording and it passed through.  Yes, you called it - Sold: a granite top side table = $40.

Hot dog!  I've cleared $80 and now owe my neighbor cookies for helping to load the picnic table, (deduct $3 for cookie dough),  All good.  Only 3pm.

Take pictures of a bookshelf and a desk....oh, and shoot a video of the old dresser that someone was interested in from the other night's post......

Okay, I load the pic's and vid on the computer no problem.  Start posting on Craigslist.......waiting....waiting.......waiting...........      

then it craps out, just bails on me - nothin - server is busy...........
try again.........................same..............
start posting.................
try again............same......................
again.................YES! - One got through!!!!!

I went to the store and bought cookie dough, a packaged salad and a blue drink.
I made the cookies and put them on a pie tin with a paper towel in it and picked four tomatoes from our garden.  Neighbor seemed pleased I remembered our agreement, his daughter politely took the tomatoes and as the door closed I could hear the little boy asking the Dad why they couldn't swim in our pool.

Then I went back and tried to post my desk for sale on Craigslist.....and while it loaded and loaded and loaded......I called my mother.....and listened and listened and listend......and when I hung up I looked at the computer and it said, THIS DID NOT WORK TRY AGAIN.

Then I poured a martini, (oh a nice Skyy vodka one, cause they had this guy at the store who was selling and dammit I was needing some flirting), and went into the garage and took pictures of the "man cave" items, a 35"tv and a mini fridge. 

TV was from when my cousin came to live via me and sucked my life blood for 3 months - he left his tv as hommage.  Fridge was when Grammy died.  Only by sufferage was I left with makings of a man cave - I did not ask for it. 

So I was trying to post:
Man-Cave Items! Girlfriend Fire Sale! $80 Craigslist:  35" TV and Mini fridge with 1 Miller, the champagne of beers, included.

Dammit, dammit.  Can't get the damn thing to load!  Maybe if I wait a little longer...

Craiglist.  Yeah, I can sell my stuff at a discount eventually, if I take my patience pill.  Sometimes it takes 5 or 6 tries to post something.  And I keep doing it, cause where else can I sell man-cave shit.

**Postnote: At 11:42pm still trying to post in categories: general, household, and jackass.  Keeps stalling out --- Getting to think CL is anti-jackass-man-cave-left-behind-girl-is-pissed-posting. 

It isn't me, really it's not.

1 comment:

  1. Common, someone say something...break the ice baby....
